Vulnerable group: women
Human rights area: domestic violence, right to safety
County: Brașov
A new case was taken over through The Pro Bono Human Rights Network. The case it is about a lady, victim of domestic violence în 2018, who at that moment called 112 to ask for help, the aggressor being with her in the house. The lady was asked if she needed an ambulance and then the dispatcher told her to wait for the aggressor to leave the house and then go alone to the police station. She went to the police station, but because it was closed she decided to go to the next nearest police station. The police told her that they could not take her a statement because she does not belong to that station.
At the moment the lady is a civil party in a case for domestic violence, but she needs legal advise for the situation with the 112 call, because the procedure was not followed.
The case was taken over by the lawyer Marcela Felicia Rotaru (Sibiu Bar) to whom we thank and wish a lot of success în solving the case!
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