
November 14, 2022

Case #115: Divorce in a domestic violence case

Vulnerable group: women, minors

Human rights area: domestic violence

A new case was taken over through The Pro Bono Network for Human Rights. The request came from a woman from Bucharest, who is a victim of domestic violence from her husband, with whom she has an underaged child. Her husband is currently in police custody but continues to threaten her. The applicant's husband's family lives very close to her and constantly pressures her not to divorce. She is seeking legal support to file for divorce, obtain child custody, and property rights regarding her home.

The case was taken over by lawyer Bogdan Mircea Albu (Mureș Bar) who is currently supporting the applicant with her requests. We thank Att. Albu and wish him a lot of success in solving the case!


The activity is part of the project "EGALIS: Gender equality through social change and education", developed by the Partnership for Equality Center, in partnership with the Front Association, AnA - the Scientific Society for Feminist AnalysisACTEDO - the Action Center for Equality and Rights AssociationPLURAL Association and SEX vs The STORK Association, with financial support from Active Citizens Fund Romania, programme funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants Grants 2014 -2021.

Working together for an inclusive Europe.

Website-ul ACTEDO a fost actualizat în cadrul proiectului INTEGRIS: Sprijin integrat pentru drepturile omului, derulat de Centrul de Acțiune pentru Egalitate și Drepturile Omului (ACTEDO), în parteneriat cu Centrul de Resurse Juridice (CRJ), proiect care beneficiază de o finanțare în valoare de 197.716,41 euro prin programul Active Citizens Fund România, finanțat de Islanda, Liechtenstein și Norvegia prin Granturile SEE 2014-2021. Conținutul acestui website nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziția oficială a Granturilor SEE și Norvegiene 2014-2021. Pentru mai multe informații accesați Informații despre Active Citizens Fund România sunt disponibile la

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