
August 31, 2016


Vulnerable group: children, people with chronic and professional illnesses
Human rights category: #education

Mrs. L lives in Dej and has two children. One of them, a little girl with autism, is enrolled in school but her parents decided to homeschool her. This was the solution that Mrs. L deemed appropriate given the school’s schedule and curriculum that are, in Mrs. L’s opinion, unsuitable for the girl. According to the law, the school is mandated to offer the girl the monetary equivalent of her lunch. The school requested Mrs. L to travel there every day to pick up a casserole with food instead, which is inadequate for the child’s nutritional problems. Mrs. L also claims that the school does not provide the necessary medical care that the students enrolled need.

This case was taken over by Pro Bono Attorney at Law Dana Waldraf, the legal base of her argument being the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, ratified by the Romanian Parliament through Law 221/2010. The Convention states clear measures to ensure all citizens, regardless of their health status, have equal access to education and health services.

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