
March 12, 2018

Case #34 Misdiagnosis and malpractice in mental health case

Vulnerable group: women, elderly people
Human rights area: #health

Ms. L. claims that she, along with her mother, were misdiagnosed with depression by a Romanian psychiatrist, after less then half an hour examination. Subsequently, they received a treatment based on psychotropic drugs. Soon after, her mother committed suicide and the applicant herself had 2 suicide attempts followed by a difficult period of drugs withdrawal after interrupting the treatment that was prescribed. In New York, where Ms. L. is currently residing, she has undergone more complex medical investigations which ruled out depression, contrary to what was diagnosed by the Romanian doctors.

Pro Bono Lawyer Loredana Prună (Galați Bar) is offering legal assistance in the lawsuit that was filed on the grounds of malpractice against the Romanian physician.


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