
September 7, 2023

Podcast: Human Rights in Iceland. Promising Practices

This podcast is based on a study visit in Iceland done by the Equality and Human Rights Action Center (ACTEDO) in June 2023. Over the course of a week, we were welcomed by 9 organizations whose work centers on human rights, particularly gender equality and LGBTQIA+ rights.

Why Iceland? The country has been a global trailblazer in the field of human rights, and the World Economic Forum has named it the most gender-equal country for 14 years in a row, with over 90% of the gender gap closed. The country has also made significant progress in LGBTQIA+ rights, scoring 71% on ILGA Europe's Rainbow map 2023.

Over three episodes, you will hear excerpts from our meetings with advocates focusing on three main issues in human rights work: gender equality, gender-based violence, and LGBTQIA+ rights and anti-gender movements.

The first episode covers the Icelandic organizations most closely working to achieve gender equality and contains interviews with representatives of the Human Rights and Democracy Office of the City Hall of Reykjavík, The Women's Counseling, the Directorate of Equality, and the Icelandic Women’s Rights Association (IWRA).

In the second episode we discuss gender-based violence with members of The Women’s Shelter Association, Stígamót, and The Icelandic Human Rights Centre (ICEHR), while the podcast concludes with a discussion on LGBTQIA+ rights and anti-gender movements with representatives of Samtökin '78, Trans Ísland, and the Human Rights and Democracy Office of the City Hall of Reykjavík.

Listen to the episodes below.

Alternatively, listen to them on Spotify here.

Episode 1: Human rights in Iceland. Gender equality

Episode 2: Human rights in Iceland. Gender-based violence

Episode 3: Human rights in Iceland. LGBTI rights and antigender movements


Copyright © August 2023 ACTEDO

Project implemented by the Equality and Human Rights action Centre (ACTEDO), in partnership with Samtokin 78, with the financial support of the Active Citizens Fund Romania, programme funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants 2014-2021. The content does not necessarily reflect the official position of the EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021; for more information visit

Working together for an inclusive Europe.

Website-ul ACTEDO a fost actualizat în cadrul proiectului INTEGRIS: Sprijin integrat pentru drepturile omului, derulat de Centrul de Acțiune pentru Egalitate și Drepturile Omului (ACTEDO), în parteneriat cu Centrul de Resurse Juridice (CRJ), proiect care beneficiază de o finanțare în valoare de 197.716,41 euro prin programul Active Citizens Fund România, finanțat de Islanda, Liechtenstein și Norvegia prin Granturile SEE 2014-2021. Conținutul acestui website nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziția oficială a Granturilor SEE și Norvegiene 2014-2021. Pentru mai multe informații accesați Informații despre Active Citizens Fund România sunt disponibile la

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